Adventure Tree & Adventure Farm
October 2013


Fall happenings at Adventure Tree and Adventure Farm

Canopy Climbs Even in the Rain!!!

Father and Son Climbing

Once a month we open one of our climbing trees for anyone age 5 to 105 to feel the wonder of climbing high into a tree. The September climb was met with a much needed rain that just happened to occur just before the climb was to begin. This month we were at EarthDance Farms, so it was hard to be too upset since we knew the farmers were very grateful but it was still a little discouraging. Not all of the climbers were dissuaded from attending, though. Much to our delight we had two father and son teams arrive despite the rain. While we all waited for the rain to let up a few of us explored the farm and enjoyed feeling the squishy mud beneath our feet. We even tried a few cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and green beans. It was wonderfully fun. These hard core climbers then had the tree to themselves as the rain stopped, the sun came out and the climbing began. Small groups are often fun for us because we really get to know our climbers. This was no exception, and we look forward to seeing these guys again!!

We hope we see more of you at the October 6th climb from 2:00 - 5:00 PM. This month we will be climbing Asherah at The Grove house. Come and join us, no registration required.


Adventure Tree Intern


Meet Luke Nurnberger, Adventure Tree's intern for the next few months. Luke is a student at Lindenwood University who is an awesome help in many ways. He helped us facilitate events over the past season and he'll be working on new program areas for us while doing a practicum for his school work. His presence is a great opportunity for Adventure Tree not only to benefit from his efforts but also to extend our mission of education to helping a talented and motivated young college student to gain some experience. If you see Luke at one of our events, give him a big hello and thanks, and maybe extend congratulations on his new marriage.


AEE Conference Presentation

Climb and Learn

Guy is presenting a workshop on "Teaching Academic Content Using Recreational Tree Climbing" at the Association for Experiential Education International Conference in Denver. His ground-breaking work over the past few years has been to combine explicit teaching areas with the excitement of tree climbing to get students motivated and engaged. A tree is a great teaching platform for all kinds of content areas, from physics to literature to natural science. Some great results have been achieved at St. Louis area schools and he'll be sharing these insights with the AEE.


Supporting Stewardship

There isn't anything quite so satisfying as supporting each other as we learn to be more responsible stewards of the Earth. In September we had opportunities to support two wonderful places as they hosted Adventure Farm workshops.

EarthDance Farms and Rain Barrels

Rain Barrel Workshop at EarthDance

Last month there was a great turnout of interested people motivated to learn and support EarthDance Farms in Ferguson, MO. Together we worked together to design and construct a bank of rain barrels to collect and store water from the roof of the farmhouse. This water will be used for nearby demonstration gardens and will be part of the farm tour, which will continue to educate the community about the importance of holding water on your property. It is always a great pleasure to partner with EarthDance.

Check out the EarthDance newsletter article for more about this event.

Native Plants and a New Friend

Wildflowers and Lilly

We were also fortunate to meet Laura Lynne Dyer who owns property in Grubville, MO. When we met she was looking for help identifying native plants and we were excited to help. Deanna can hardly think of anything more fun than exploring a new site to see what is growing there. On a hot but beautiful Saturday a small group gathered at her place to explore, identify and collect plants that would be inundated due to a dam restoration project.

One of Deanna's passions is helping people realize the importance of including native plants in their landscapes. Laura Lynne's generosity and foresight to include the opportunity for others to learn and share these plants that might otherwise be destroyed was inspiring. It felt good to know that after this day there are now more native plants in yards around St. Louis.

If you're looking for a reason to include natives in your yard, check out the Bring Conservation Home program and/or read Doug Tallamy's book Bring Nature Home or listen to one of his talks on YouTube. Or, better yet, catch Doug Tallamy at the Missouri Botanical Garden in March.


Build a Cold-Frame Workshop

Cold Frame

Extending the growing season on a budget.

There's still plenty of room to grow here at home, so we are hosting a cold frame workshop on Sunday, 9/29 from 2:00 - 5:00 PM. This is our first time building a cold frame, so we will all definitely be learning together. We will be using a simple design with easy to find materials that are still attractive for anyone's backyard garden. For any of you who would like to extend your growing season or are just curious, stop by and help us learn. The event is free and meeting the people who show up at the events is always the best part. We love our community.

Find out more at the Adventure Farm events page.

Learning About Tree Climbing

We love tree climbing and believe that once people have been exposed to the fun of climbing into a tree higher than you ever thought possible many people are hooked. If coming to the open climb leaves you wanting to learn more, Adventure Tree has several opportunities to do just that.

Community College Course


One of the best ways to learn about the biology of trees, how trees are assessed for safety, how those ropes get up in the trees and the basics of tree climbing skills is to take our Community College course offered several times a year. This class is an opportunity to spend three hours with a small group of people learning the basics and becoming one of our tree climbing family. Even if you are a regular climber with us this course will allow you to "bag" a tree as we don't normally hold open climbs at Camp Wyman.

The next course is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 12 from 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM at Camp Wyman in Eureka, MO. Take a look at our STLCC Course page for more info.

Learn The Ropes Course

Climbing With Split Tail

This more extensive training will give you the basic skills to climb on your own. This two day course teaches you the fundamental skills of tree climbing which includes climbing techniques, learning about climbing gear and tree assessment. This is also the first level for the tree worker training. For more information on this course and the tree worker training program go to:

Adventure Tree

Adventure Farm

EarthDance Farms

St. Louis Community College
Continuing Education

St. Louis Permaculture Guild
Meetup Group

Midwest Permaculture

Global Organization of Tree Climbers

American Camping Association

Association for Experiential Education

TREE-ba dachi Climbing Academy

The Grove House

Bring Conservation Home
Audubon Society

Great Rivers Museum

Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri